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Mentoring Programs


Built For This Mentoring Program

Built For This is the central program of BOI. All students from Elementary to High School, Foster Care youth and their mentors will participate in a structured program of support.

The youth and their mentors will participate in an energized retreat, followed by a twelve (12) month structured program that includes monthly team-building and group activities.

The program ends with a graduation ceremony but the mentor and youth will remain together for as long as the mentee and parents see fit.

The goal of the program is to help youth cope with previous life stresses; by teaching assertiveness, essential strategies, and building self-confidence skills. These youth will be provided with tools to handled future conflict. They will understand they're built for greatness and nothing can stop them from achieving that greatness.

These previous or current life stresses can include but are not limited to:​

Lack of Self-Esteem

Coming Out


Peer-to-Peer, Family, or Self Hurt



Our youth will know they'll always have BOI in their corner; with whatever life situation.

This mentoring program will be provided by but are not limited to:

1 on 1 outings or at home activities

Group Mentoring 


Virtual Meeting

We're Here To Restore HOPE!


Second Chance Program 

Often times when we reflect on the different events in our lives, we find ourselves thinking about how things would have turned out if we had made better choices. We may wish that we had the opportunity to start over as a completely different person.


In 2008, President Bush signed an order so that people serving a jail sentence would have the opportunity to be released from the jail system and be placed into an organization housing program to finish out their term. 


Inmates that are apart of Brakin Out Second Chance program will have the tools to turn their past into a new beginning. Hitting the reset button on your life gives you a chance to reevaluate, regroup, and try again. It gives you a chance to consciously recreate a better day moving forward, as opposed to carrying all the negativity around. 


It's so empowering to remember that you are not a victim of your experiences. We truly believe that you have the power to reestablish your life and become the best person that you can be. Hitting that reset button is a beautiful way to begin doing exactly that. We believe that every person deserves a second chance; just as God gives us daily.


Our program is designed to meet the needs of young men and women that are serving as either first or second time offenders within the juvenile court system.


Many of our young men and women has been failed by the hopeless hopelessly repetitive cycle of the juvenile court system, and they often times feel as though they don't have any other choice but to continue down the same path.


We are here to give prisoners and juveniles the opportunity to live in the real world and effectively practice and prepare to reenter society.

Become A Mentor

Mentoring, at its core, guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges, and makes them feel like they matter. Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations. Ultimately, mentoring connects a young person to personal growth and development, and social and economic opportunity. Yet one in three young people will grow up without this critical asset.

Become a better leader by learning how to wok with people whom you don't have a natural connection, demonstrating patience with those in need of guidance and support, helping people figure out the best path forward: which is all trademarks of a great leader AND skills provided through mentoring.

Mentoring is a unique opportunity to step outside your normal circle of friends and social media’s echo chamber to gain an intimate understanding of how the world looks through someone else’s eyes.  New perspectives lead to fresh ideas, and who knows where fresh ideas could lead you? 


Empowerment Mentoring Programs

Building trustworthy and structured relationships that bring young boys and girls together with caring individuals by offering guidance, support and encouragement. Our empowerment program provides the youth with authority and power to do everything the world said they couldn't do.

Brakin Out offers the youth with the necessary steps to become stronger and more confident in the things they love to do. Under this program the youth will be able to showcase their talents. 


Like skill trades



Swimming Lessons

Piano Lesson

Public Speaking

How To Be A Entrepreneur

All Sports

Drawing / Painting /Sketching 


Empowerment is a set of measures designed to increase the degree of autonomy and self - determination in people and in communities in order to enable them to represent their interests in a responsible and self - determined way, acting on their own authority. It is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's right.

This program in place will provide the youth with tools to change their life. 

Life Coaching

Job Training

Resume Building

Mock Interviews

Prayer Partner

Leadership Training

Conflict Resolution 

Sports Management

Every Member Is Empowered With Encouraged Reinforcements That Will Propel Them To Their Talents...

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